The processes, training and materials we choose to invest in constantly reduce our environmental impact.
It will be no surprise to you that our largest 'consumable' is paper and this is all made from sustainably farmed trees. The increasing demand for paper is resulting in the reforestation of many parts of Europe. In fact an area equivalent to 4,109 football pitches of new forest is planted in Europe each day.* The paper we specify is always from responsible sources and is FSC® certified and we are trained and accredited to maintain the chain of custody up to final delivery, ensuring you have a certified 'green' FSC product. Click here to read more about Evolve and FSC.
Our electricity is green from sustainable sources, our pressroom is efficient, using minimal waste and recycling old plates and paper and all our new computers are GreenIT/energyStar efficient.
Our water use has been cut to zero using the latest in digital printing and processing-free litho plate technology (no water required) and for printing our water is cleaned and recycled with our reverse osmosis filter.
We are committed to being as eco-friendly as possible.
Visit The Two Sides Campaign for some interesting facts about paper and its renewable and recyclable credentials
*Source: CEPI Sustainability Newsletter and Sustainability Report